

Essential Finance Skills For Women - 2023

CA Ninaad Jalttare & CA Anant Pankaj Jain

Kiran foundation presents "Essential Finance Skills For Women", this is a special course designed with essential information about money and finance, which every women of this nation should be aware of. This course covers topic such as Banking System, Basic Behavorial Economics, Savings, Overview of various Investment Options, Investing in Gold, Importance of Insurance, Preparing a useful will etc. The course will last 8 weeks from 8th July 2023 to 26th August 2023. Classes will be every Saturday at 3:30 PM IST. We will try to answer all your queries during the course. The participants who complete all classes will also receive a certificate at the end of the course. Registration for this Course is now closed.

Class 1 - Basics of Finance Management

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 2 - Savings & Behavioral Economics

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 3 - Basics of Investment

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 4 - Investing in FD, NPS, PPS etc.

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 5 - Mutual Funds, Equity, SIP and SWP.

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 6 - Banking and Banking Frauds

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 7 - Insurance and Will

Homework : Homework link

Presentation : Presentation link

Class Recording : Class Recording link

Class 8 - Essential Financial Skills 2023

Class Recording : Class Recording link